LONGWAY TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. was founded in the year 2008. It is located in the city of Kunshan and specilizes in hospital related products, including hospital hand rails, barrier-free grab bars (bathroom grab bars), hospital cubicle curtain (hospital privacy curtain), hospital bed linens and uniforms for docotors and nurses.

Hospital HandRail as well as corner guards provides protection for wall and interior decoration from damage. It also facilitates walking for patients, the elderly, the disabled and people in need. It is therefore widely used in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation center, etc.

Barrier-Free Grab Bars are most frequently installed in bathrooms to secure a safe environment for people in need. Foldable bathroom grab bars can be folded up when not in use to save space.

LONGWAY also specalizes in medical textile, providing both fabric and stitching services for hospital cubicle curtain/ hospital privacy curtain, hospital bed linens and doctor’s and nurses uniforms as well. The fabric for cubicle curtain is IFR (Inherently Flame-Retardant) and anti-microbial. The linen fabric is specially suitable for frequent chlorine-bleaching, with regards to hospital laundary requirements.

During the past years since its establishment, LONGWAY has expended its business to over twenty countries throughout the world, including USA, UK, Russia, SA, UAE, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Angola, etc. Product quality has always been our first priority and good service has seen us gaining more and more customers’ trust. 



New Website: www.longwaymed.com

Medical Textile (medical uniforms, curtains & bed linens): www.lwmedicaltextile.com